"Capacity is its own motivation." Henry W.Nessen
one of my fave quotes,a guideline.
aloha again.
not a good nite 4 sleeping.
just a thot, science has proved that both dolphins and neanderthals have bigger brains than modern man.all cultures have a creation myth.how well did the neanderthal creation myth fare when they met Cro Magnons??? neanderthals were highly adapted to the Ice Age climate then the climate changed dramatically and they couldn't...now we face a massive climate change,can we adapt in time?
in the same vein the finale of BSG (Batlestar Galacticva) was last nite.
in BSG robots become self aware and decide to end mankind.
in Terminator (movies & TV) robots become self aware and decide to end mankind.
in I,ROBOT (the movie not the novels) robots become self aware and decide to end mankind.
off screen workplace robots run amok and accidentally kill humns,nobody knows why.
in Japan they had a plan to outsource their elderly and disabled to cheaper locales,it caused general outrage,now they are developing nursing home robots...
Carl Heyek (sp?) invented the word "robot" i think its Czech for slave or thrall, in I,Robot the short stories & novels the brilliant Isaac Asimov,author and scientist developed the Five Laws of Robotics which were so all inclusive AI scientists today use them,cautionary note-in the novels the robots become self aware(sigh).
now i am a science and sci fi buff and when i heard in TV the prediction (Moore's Law) that within a human generation robots will be building themselves and eventually be smarter than humans,oh big whoop.
now we are an imperfect and often violent & irrational species.what if robots decide,logically, to put us down or imprison us for our own protection? how would we stop them? should we? is robotic eveolution the cure for our human catastrophe? to the Earth were are a spreading toxic cancer,would not a more logical species do a better job of conservation & popluation control et al?
as usual the Japan robots will tend to the disabled and frail elderly, who by some definitions would be viewed as imperfect or broken.
how do we explain disability to a logical mind?
how do we explain saving the life of a preemie or Down Syndrome infant? if someone becomes a para or quad or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) by accident or disease,how do we explain keeping them alive? and don't get me started on robot assisted suicide,where would that logically end?
these are things i think about when i cannot sleep (from new meds i hope)
in other news,
we are in the 4th World of the Hopi.the previous three worlds were destroyed by fire,ice and water. survivors fled underground for safety.the Blue Star of Hopi prophecy announcing the arrival of the 5th world is ,by some definitions , visible now in the night sky -just in time for the 11-21-2012 date of Mayan and Egyptian prophecy.sheer coincidendce?
sweet & sour dreams?
semper grumpy
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