doing my bit for BLACK HISTORY MONTH again.
when the Buick T boned the Corvair in LA i was moving with my cousin and her new ex con dyke GF.there was pain,jarring pain then chroinic pain etc etc.
one day i woke up find a strange naked busty white woman pythoned around i always sleep naked and so was she.
i tried to remember if i ever had seen her before,no.
was i dreaming? no,i could feel her warm breath on my neck and her pubic fur on my what gives?my cousin peeped in,waved and smiled then left.
long story short
she was the Mistress/punching bag GF/sex toy of a married local club owner.they were both from New Orleans so she was used to walking the streets barefoot,( literally not as a whore).Bloody Mary often walked the half mile from her place to ours naked except for fresh bruises and once all bloody from having her pierced earrings torn out violently.she never called the cops and she cried a lot.
i had learned in Harlem that some women,like my mother and her friends,always seem to be attracted to the kind of men they bitch about.Mary was one of those.she turned up in my bed once or twice a week, my furnished room had twins beds,so i soon got the idea that if i treated her in the manner expected she was all mine.
oh goody..i didn' my cousin's ex con GF found her a black dyke to slap her around and she was happy, i think. Mary and her new lover moved into the other twin bed until they got a place of their own.Mary continued to sleep and walk around naked which earned her a few slaps here and there.
my cousin and her ex con GF soon got heavily involved in THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT you hear so much about so i moved out after they stiffed me on their share of the rent three months running.
so that's Bloody Mary,after my divorce i worked with a curvy young woman who was a club crawler who told everyone she was dumping her new BF "cuz he treats me too good". go figure.
we are all affected by abuse in differing often bizarre patterns, it keeps life Interesting.
in other news,
i will try not to write anything else today.
i just got on to see by the Tagboard festure isn't really.
semper grumpy
Has not this B Mary story been told before? In numerous anecdotes, a couple of B-Way plays, a few films, and several million psyche term papers perhaps? Always room for the latest retelling one would think though.