
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Pink Tax?

scene  str9 cpl in face cafe. she smiles at him and half laughs "Is this Ditch or are we having sex? He laughs and seen on the TV...

hola again,
yesterday SM and i were talking about daring and going Dutch..saw a survey last year where teen girls thot buying a snack or movie tickets was a vagina expressway,how cheap they sell themselves...

i thot since womyn make 77 cents for every white male dollar (less for blacks then browns) i was okay for men to pay the load.....then today on MSBC there was a story how womyn pay more for health and beauty care then men even when the ingredients are the same., the so called Pink Tax ranged from 10 cents to 4 U$D on the same brands from men to womyn's aisles.this shit is fukt up and the brand excuses weak so womyn take in the ass all the way around (and NOT in a good way)....

mind the gap 

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