
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

BURNS this?

"Hillary RodHAM Clinton..the People's Champion."  yeah right, pull the other one to make them even....

 i did NOT stet out to ever be a security guard,it was an open secret that this was the domain of failed wanna be cops, washed up cop, drunks and perverts...i was in retail at  ahorribler mean spirited job and got hireds to do retail wage slavery eslewhere and after i quit the fdirast i found the second job evaopoarated due to corproate downsizing so there i was jobless with the rent duesoon. hope all this makes sense as i have given blood twice this ayem, where was i? oh right jobless, so anyway i buy a paper and find fill columns of jobs for guards and am in walking distance of same, so i got hired and got a gun card and an assignment...

so at the time i was working 55-70 hours a week with weekend work since i had both a gun and vehicle...
Dennis N. was a wanna be cop, a squat slow strutting kiss ass-with a shiny tin badge,uniform and loaded gun, who rose quickly thru the ranks of Burns Security..we got paid biweekly and i worked mere blox from HQ so imagine my shock when i got a check with 2 40 hour weeks when i hadebeen hauling huge hours for almost 2 years by then..
so on my lunch hour  i walked over to HQ to find Dennis in charge of Payroll and the regular person off sick or something. so anyway i confronted him over his errors and naturally, being a jerk and kiss ass, he gave me attitude Big Time with some vague promise to correct it in the fuzzy future...which we both knew was a lie, so things got heated and loud and being a spineless lil shit he instinctively reached for his gun...(see thug cops et al).  my gun was closer so i leaned over and growled "You better be  reaching for a sandwich otherwise your brains are gonna be all over that wall!"so i got the OT due me ASAP.
  when i worked 9 years at Moscone Center  in frisco had some bout of brain splattering threats/promises to make men "git yore mind right!"....

as stated when i began this blog, i have not always been a Nice Man....

mind the gap

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