
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

mrs.Korak 2.....

" It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up. "    Vince Lombardi

hola again,.

i have written a post on Korak the Killer and of late have thot about what kind of woman marries a handsome violent lethal man like this? 
 a story in itself obviously,so here goes.....

after a few tours in 'Nam ( Khe Sanh, with the Marines,11 years off and on in total) .  Korak migrated back to L.A. where he had lived before. he went into the oil biz, he had a degree from O.U in such. so he married and produced a son and abused his first wife then was disgusted with himself so he abandoned flee to P.I. (the Phillippine Islands) to mend his wounded soul (or whatever) as a rural farmer. turns out he was a shitty farmer so he was soon doing off book work for the CIA and DoD.. 

for the DoD he did night patrols outside the wire of the Subic Bay Naval Base to kill rebels and intruders and for the CIA he rode shotgun, machines guns actually, on the off book PT boats into and out of the Mekong Del;ta picking up former US allies and govt workers to be processed thru P.I. refugee camps then onwards to the U$ eventually..

so there he became a bigamist by marrying the very Catholic convent raised Mrs.Korak 2 (Korak was a lapsed Catholic himself).....

.so one day while returning from night patrol thru the whorehouse district outside Subic he chanced upon a cute Negrito young boy,a trick baby, who he bought for a bottle of good old U$A bourbon from the boys neglectful whore mother and brought home to his shocked now sterile wife( ovarian then thyroid cancer) they became a family and for reasons unknown to me ,Korak came home to KALIpornia where he became in involuntary roommate for five years.... 

oh right he had to earn enuff money to bribe P.I. officials to get a legal passport for his bastard Negrito son (who had no birth certificate) and his second Korak and i had worked together at the Clift Hotel where his fiery temoper and PTSD had gotten him fired and for some reason he also got evicted from the motel where he lived soon after, he figured that by imposing on me he could save money to send to P.I. and save more for flights home...hokay, did not realize it would take five years but i was humane and agreed even tho i was working full time and going to school full time and always exhausted..

so anyway about three years in Korak went to P.I. with$5,000 IN CASH., which Mrs.Korak insisted they keep in her purse to bolster her fragile self esteem as they went to a local marketplace.... where soon after a cagy pickpocket hit the jackpot...and they lost it all! a crestfallen Korak came back to my studio apartment to begin again..and maybe  another year passed with him working two jobs seven days a week and then he brought them there too....

so the three of them were always underfoot which was even more exhausting i "lent" them $1000 to move next door and out of my the walls were very thin and the Koraks argued frequently followed by the meaty slap of wife beating  ("domestic abuse" sic) then loud proud fucking, which is apparently how they did things in P.I.  despite the past mushy letters and many phones calls,on his dime,....and Mrs.Korak 2 was very disappionted we did not live in a mansnon etc ( "like most Americans")  and even made Korak play dress up and take her to a Nob Hill dinner so that she could pretend to be rich for once.....

now here is where it gets weird...., i lived next to the back stairs of the apartment building, a very old creaky apartment building, and any time a human trod on them they protested loudly i had some 24K gold trimmed plates, hotel surplus and outdated,.which Mrs.Korak immediately "borrowed" to set up as a shrine to her pagans gods (like they also do in Mexico and points south). now you may remember the Jennifer Love Hewitt TV show THE GHOST WHISPERER? 

like it or not that shit is real,
a critical detail Korak neglected to that  she was constantly at their farm's fence counseling the spirits of the dead...a practice that followed her here from the P.I. and even i, with my dulled ESP, could sense troops of the dead ...silently coming up the back stairs for counsel....sigh.

....and that she was a clothes horse who couldn't be seen in the same outfit twice....  or that she would come over routinely in her nightgown to bitch about  his cheating ways while showing me her hairy puckered pussy (i slept and sat on a futon) and how many potential sugar daddies  she met at local bus stops after maybe a year of this, Korak sailed off into the sunset,allegedly, with some Japanese woman who owned a boat where he worked on Pier 39..whatever became of her and the cute Negrito boys,everyone in P.I. saw him as a trick baby and so assumed and shamed Mrs.Korak 2 as a whore.,... i have no idea as we lost contact when i got married and moved to distant Oaktown. with The Mirage  ... 

altho, come to think of it, Mrs.Korak did attend our heels on a soft sandy beach...and she was a tad overdressed for that bright sunny day.....

"that's my story and I'm sticking to it."...


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