
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Jesus,Judas & Mary M.

"I did what you wanted." 
what Judas said to Jesus after that kiss in the Garden?

still groggy after 11 hours with a talking book yesterday...(Cold Snap by Alison Brennon) will attemtpt to be coherent.did five years of reserach,before the Internet for a play that got too unweildy to even try to make sense involving Judas in Hell, Jack the Ripper, Reinahrd Heydrich of the Nazi SS and that lead singer from Cabaret,it seemed like a good idea at the i found that there is No Absolute Proof that the man we call Jesus the Christ ever existed altho there were several failed messiahs at the time even one from Nazereth. .so it's basically another act of Faith like the belief that Judas betrayed (sic) Jesus.

 Judas Isacariot, real name Judas bar Simon - Judas son of Simon, now "Iscariot" is a nickname for a political assassin who used a short dagger called a "scarii" to kill Romans and other oppressors.,early listeners to the tales would know this as to the fact The Maccabbees were also as in other Mysterie cults there are two phases of teaching, the public and private faces if you will as so it was with the alleged Jesus.he taught those who had ears to hear and learn and others got what they could understand and nothing more. if Jesus had NOT been crucified then deified then he would have been forgotten like others of his ilk. (see The Passover Plot from last century of the alleged Gospel of Judas or  shorter The Gospel of Mary Magdalene) 

 no where i come from we only get one death per person so why does Judas have two? in one he is hanged and in another he dies in a field, in my play he died at the fortress at Masada,.so might assume that both his life and death were murky to others..if you turn common wisdom on it's head you might realize that without Judas there is no Judas and that the greatest sacrifice is to be condemned thru the ages to obeying the man that you loved.which brings to Mary (of) Madgalene...

now if you want to win a bar bet with a Christian...ask them where in The Bible does it say the Mary M. was prostitute?.the short answer is no where, this was a calumny invented hundreds of years later by the males at the Vatican to keep women oppressed and to hold power..and YES i do accept that Mary M. was the wife of Jesus and one of The Apostles (more than 12) and if she could heal and pray etc then so could Judas right?  and after the death of the alleged Jesus there was a power struggle between the Followers of Mary M. and the male pigs Followers and Mary M. lost possibly leading to her felling "The Holy Lands" (sic) for Europe with the offspring of Jesus making her possibly  The Holy Grail ( semen not blood nor wine) and as seen on the History Channel this could have been one of the treasures/secrets of TheKnigthts Templar ....

and did you know that there were TWO not one Arks of the Covenant, think it was in Ezekiel where Soloman commanded that another be built, not sure why, maybe the first was too powerful or two deadly?one is allegedly in Ethiopia and the other????..and how and why did 200 "Fallen Angles" rebel against "all seeing all knowing GOD" and is "Lucifer (The Light Bringer) the same as Prometheus and are all our Western myths and legends and belief systems interconnected?
 time  will tell?? 

as you were?

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