
Thursday, January 15, 2015


  Ho Chi Zen..(now with bacon!)


the FBI
 i reached puberty just before i got my FBI file,it was the Cuban Missile Crisis era and a teacher at my high school. thot it might be a good idea to communicate with the other side of the Cold War before we blew the world all to he started and after school no credits Russian Club where about a dozen of us began to learn Russian,which we did peacefully for a few weeks until one day we arrived to find the FBI had shut it down.
 the FBI was fearful of teenagers learning Russian..imagine that.

the FBI/LAPD  
this lunacy stood me in good stead about fifteen years later when i became an accidental activist in L.A. now i was "a clean hippie" which meant i had a job and paid rent punctually so on weekends i would go to Griffith Park and smoke week,listen to the bongos and watch white hippie chicks dance topless or you might imagine my chagrin to read that the Board of Supervisors was considering an ordinance to make all this illegal..were we having too much Fun?  

anyway The Freep (hippie oriented the L.A. Free Press)..had an ad that a group was forming to fight this and after checking the bus routes i went. and watched the lefty circle jerk for a few meetings which basically did one impatimet night i offered my critique of everything they were doing and NOT doing then i went home only to get a phone call hours layer that i was s/elected
Coordiantor of the C.A.R/ (Coalition Against Repression)  and when i pointed out that i had not asked to be so nominated it was pointed out they felt me to be the best qualified due to my big that's what i did. 

i am unsure when they vegan tapping my phone, in those days (the 60s_ if you listened carefully you could hear a tinny echo or if when you hung up then picked up again you hear distant voices of men talking.the phone tappers were probably the LAPD "Red Squad" (McCarthyite police goons who shared intel *COINTELPRO* with the LAPD) so basically we were a chat show until Ed Perl ,who owned The Ash Grove folk/blues nite club where we met, suggested we have a Love In?Be In in Griffith Park to collewct signatures for our petitions and he would find us some free music,which he did. the first one had a few thousand people and the4 second over ten thousand...the highlight of which was the LAPD run  thru the crowd with shotguns trying to spook the stoned youth attending..

we made the news, shortly after that we got out own police spy "Bill Beasley" who ranted about reading Marx and buying guns when he wasn't leading us axle deep into the muck. another time an obvious cop in white shirt and sox wearing shades at night and gun holster showing attended our biweekly public in context, after shooting the shit out of The Black Panters in Soutyh Central and framing Gereonimo Pratt for murder, the LAPD then shot up La Siete de la Raza (sp?) AKA The Brown Berets and we got word that we were next on their hit list. in those days they,the LAPD, had a bounty or lottery on who they would/could shoot up and/or kill. fairly illegal even for the LAPD,but unbenownst to them we had a spy of our own inside the LAPS a civil;an analyst called "Don" when Don asked the Steering Circle whether we were willing to lay down our lies to save those in Viet Nam and it's nabes, i said "Sure." and the others,mostly young white middle class lefties,recoiled in and Don were alone in our resolve.. now about this time Staff Sargeant Donald Duncan, an ex Green Beret, began Viet Veterans against the war and he needed another male for it's press conference launch  and since i worked nearby i went.
oopsy,TV cameras and we made the local news that nite and people at my job were asked about my work (warehouseman) and shortly after that i was tasked to join a picket line outside nearby City Hall, where, like the classic New Yorker cartoon i was handed a sign and had to ask "What are we marching for?" :Gay Rights.",it only took a few steps to decides that i was FOR Gay Rights too,again on the TV... so the C.A.R. morphed into mush and was absorbed into larger  ineffective groups but not before we marched down Sunset Blvd to our McArthur Park rally and i was quoted by both papers and ended up on the front page of one about our anti war attitudes. now i was infamous and naked in the shitstorm that was about to befall me then Don mentioned that my phone was tapped, which i already knew but he didn't.Don said he was leaving town and despite second thots about whether Don was also a police agent (*COINTLPRO), i decided that discretion was the better part of survival and i too fled L.A.only to return to my beloved KALIpornia vis frisco a year later. next i will tell how my love of Japanese culture and samurai films got me stopped by the SFPD searching fro the Zebra and Zodiac killers.  

as you  were? 

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