
Monday, December 15, 2014


 NYPD circa 1950-60s

been chewing on thwe idea and reality of racist police brutality
for several weeks now and every time i feel ready to blof
new thins come back to me so i finally decided to blog
in segments as things bubble up.
here goes...

NYC  1950-60s
Sammy Joseph NYPD
K.Leo Swanson ex NYPD n YMCA adviser

Sammy was my next door nave in the Lincoln Projects
so he was literally the first cop i  ran into.he was chatty
and friendly and accessible.
K.Leo was my YMCA advisoe in high school
and altho fired from the NYPD brutality
i never saw it in him.

i lived a half mile or so from the nearest NYPD
precinct which housed THE FOUR HORSEMAN
renown for their brutality (2 black n 2 white)
. they were alleged to have perfected the technique of
 breaking bones with a bicycle spring inside
 a rubber hose....
now Stop & Frisk has been routine since the 1950s
and for any or no reason cops would grab you
slam you facewards towards the nearest wall
"Kiss the wall" and brace and spread you
"Assume the postion" as they felt you up and
went thru your pockets. "Kiss the wall "
meant you had to turn your head quickly
or risk losing teeth.

oh sit, just recalled that my
junior high school
in Harlem, had cops brought to the classroom
where they roused us all because somneone nearby
had stoleln something....

LAPD  1960s

the first time i was actually handcuffed and
put in thew back of a police car was in Los Angeles
when i had spent a lazy weekend day at a shabby carnival
in Long Beach when a black and white screeched
to a halt and teo cops ordered me against the wall/
Officer Birdseye and his partner,
i found the name Birdseye amusing and the cops were not amused that i
wasn't more afraid of them.
they drove me across L.A. to a liquor store
where the owner came out and snorted
"No, I said the nigger had BIG hair."
i had a short Afro in those days.

i had no fear because i hadn't done anything.
my mistake.

SPARKS P.D.  1969
i was hitchhiking with a blonde hippie when the
Nevada ciops in Sparks arresteds us both both hitching within
the city limits, there were no signs.. we had some
speed a freindly drivwer had given us
so i spent ten days in jail and she was released the nexrt day.
while in jail i was pulled ouit for line ups twice
and each tiem i was Postiviely ID'd by white people
ads the perp for crimes committed while
i was in jail, lucky me.

LAPD 1960s
L.A. is weird esp. if you have no car and must rely on
the sporadfi bus service. but
the local Van de Kamp bakeries made
the best German Chococlate Cake
and,as it happens,
the first 24 supermarekt i
had ever seen. in those days
i was a nite owl and one weekend
i had a yen about one ayem
for said cake,so
the supermarket being about a mile away
 i decided to walk there.
and had gotten mere yards from my home
when i was blinded by an LAPD search light..
cops "What are you doing there?"
me "Walking?"
so explained about the cake and where i was going,
they nodded then drove of and i went and
got my cake and upon my exiit
those same cops were sitting in
the store  parking lot so
i obliged and showed them my cake purchase
and said "I'm going home now" and pointed.
and they drove off.

i won't get into the LAPS Red Squad and
how i had to flee for my life after my phone
was tapped for anti War activities.
that is a tale for another time.


BTW vision is still distorted so i can post
 but reading  small print to blog still difficult.
have Dragon software, thanx to G's nagging,
for new PC in 2015.

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