
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ray Riced batter up

"You beat eggs not women"
"He beat her like a rented mule"
southern Negro folk sayings

bear with me on this...domestic violence (sic)
1. unsure of current sttats but for decades the leading cause
of disability among womyn was MEN & male violence...

2. have told the story of JOY in L.A..
and how i woke up next to an unknown white woman,
 naked in my bed wearing only dried blood and a smile.
Joy was a dancer at a club and the mistress of the club's married owner
the night beat before he had beat her badly so she fled,naked, and walked the streets of L.A. nude
to where i lived with my cousin Cheryl and her ex con robber dyke Bobbyy.
now the club owner beat both his wife and mistress,usually over some minor control freak shit,.
more than once Joy show up totally or half naked and bloddied, she co dependent and afraid to leave this violent man "He'll kill me" she often sdaid ,a s that was his promise and she feared him fully capable of this..
now as much as i liked waking up to her,naked as i was, and roaming around our apartment nude or.only in 21 i felt unready to embrace her and the drama that came with her.
so she embraced Mickey, another dyke ex con part of Bobby's Sybil Brand circlr (the L.A/.women's jail)udeso her new lover slapped her around often and they had loud violent sex in the other twin bed in my bedroom and Joy was...happy? comfortable in a familiare emotional Joy was clothed now and my cousin Cheryl was also routinely slapped and humiliated before being routinrely fisted at Hollywood sex paerties for coke and cash. what a world...

3. not counting the emotional verbal battles with The Mirage i have ol;y hot a wom,an in anger once in my life,aside from work. we were both on work study in a black TexASS junioir college and
she was a Jehovah's Witness, her and me working back to bakc and arguing The Bible...what could go wrong? anyway one day after i made a telling point there was silence, then my exploded and i felt my faces slamming violently toward the desktop where my 18 inch weighlifters neck stopped it mere incehs from impact...she had taken an unabridged dictionary and slameed it overhand against the back or my skull,i think she intended to kill me. so i knocked the wind out of hwer with a shoretseated punch and she sat down heavily and we never spoke again.

4. when the Ray Rice video duet surfaced i began to think of my blakc female nabes in the prokects and how Mother excaped injury as she was usually the one who provoked violence and injury. other wise a parade of fat lips,blakc eyes, broken jaws wired ashut, and twisted or broken arms was just about the norm. sex how did the womyn respiond to this? when they fpund out the chippie their men had on the side they'd brew up a big pot of lye and throw it in the face of the offender, scarring her for life."so that bitch won't be pretty no more".

5. look up "co dependence" which explains this much better than i could as my back is painfully compacting but suffice it to say that humans tend to have an emotional palette which reflects their upbringing and abused children tend to reeanat this pattern in adulrthood and most f the nabe in Harlem were first generation Great Migration refugees fro The Deep South including my Mother from TexASS and others from the Bible Belt and New Orleans.. think they call it The Bibel Belt cuz that's what they beat you with? Adrian Peterson,football player, was arrested for child abuse for beating his four year old with a switch he cut froma tree and causing open wounds and bleeding which is how he was raised... and even tho my Mother beat me naked with an  electrical cord i never hit nor beat The Stone Boyz altho emotional scars were no doubt inflicted otherwise...

so anyways, that's my 3 cents.
as you were?

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