
Sunday, September 21, 2014

i z

"LIFE is what's happening while you're making other plans."     -variouss

vision is sorta imrovomng but not somehow my regular glasses just broke.

BTW Kim KardASSian has just been seen in (yawm)
leaked nude expected of her..

more nudes of Jenn Lawrence have surfaced and she looks as wonderful naked as the yummy
Olivia Wilde (who is actually blonde?!
was pleased to see how playdful and comfy Jenn was with nudity
and oddly enuff that her place is as messy as mine. makez he happy?)

you know you're olde when half the celebs exposed
are unknown to me,all ex Disney?

and as G might ask WHERE'S THE BEEF (CAKE)?
womyn don;'t take pix of their hunks are are we to assume they
a happy merely to be the subject of The Male Gaze.
speaking of which OUTLANDER on Starz? is yummy and neautiful
amd INTRUDERS on BBC America is X Files aluimni creepy.

both worth a peek as the Fall inundation begins..
Gotham and Sleep Hollow mondays.. + Blacklist
a few new shows show promise.
SM N i watched The Red Band Society
and found it laced with the usual stereotypes and hollow Spielbergian cheer.
only if you're bored and speaking or boredom
UTOPIA was 5 minutes i shall never get back.

pleae stay tuned

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