
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

endless wars & bombing ideology

"Cut off an arm and two more take it's place." 
motto of Hydra terrorists

thot of this motto when i heard the near gloating of CNN
and it's endless supply of military and ex miltiary talking heads.
"emdless war" slipped ferom the mout of Anderson Cooper or Jake Tapper.
when they spooled on endlessly i thot of the flaming bag of dogshit on the doorstep
and how when you stamp it out
iot gets on everything....

let me backtrack a bit
'Hydra" is a ruthless secret fascist organization which
used the Nazis then went underground after WW2..
(their logo is a glowing skull above octopi tentacles)
just like Al Qaeda which has morphed like weeds throu out the Middle East.
in non fiction The Allies "won" WW@ but now
facitic racists are winning votes up and down Europa
whilst the Wahabi (no NOT the sushi wasabi) inspired militias are running amok south..
now my understanding is that Wahabism is an angry secret inside Saudi Arabia and Islam,
imagine the Kock Bros funding say...armed Neo Nazis or Scientologist and making
all funds contingent on allowing those bastards into your sp[here of influnece,it's like that..

seem to recall the creation of Saudi Arabia (run by the House of Saud
say like Kock Bros's GOP et al).) entrenched the Wahabi sect after WW!
anyway Osama Bin Laden was a fruit of this poisoned tree and
now that he's dead? Al Qeadfa is no more right?

oh wait, we're still letting
O\Bomber drone strikes Pakistan,Yemen,maybe Libya and whatever
and just like the fictional Hydra whenever you kill a child or father or mother
(or fund Israel to do it) you make enemeise which last
the Arab concept of debt and blood debt esp. is deeply ingrained.
so we're fukt,again...
SM keeps asking what FLTUS Michelle has to say about
all this? how the Hell should i or we know?

and how does her homicidal hubby sleep at nite
or after Terror Tuesday when they review the kill lists?
anybody recall Poppy Bush's Peace Dividend?. and what the hell happened to it
the six minutes we weee between declared wars?
uyah, me neither.
latest from Al Jazeera is that O'Bomber is setting the
pace of escalating The Warm War with a trillion U$D in the pipelines
to refurbish the local nukes stockpiles...sigh.
well it's not like schools are failing,bridges falling people are sleeping in cars
and eating out of dumpsters or living in storm drains...oh wait.
yup we lost The War on Poverty too, something wesle malignant to leave ourt heirs
along with a toasty polluted plaanet
(Naomi Klein's new book on same is called
THIIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Capitalism vs The Climate
am looking forward to it, if even half as good as The Shock Doctrine...)

BTW vision is somewhat improved but glasses are obsolete
and "hunge assembly" fell off so they had to Rube Goldberg it
with a tiny bit of wirre and now it
flops like dog ears,such is Life.

as you were?

and despite fan fave Mary Lousie Parker The Blacklist felt a lil flat to me.
et tu?

BTW# and to the Comment about starting a discusssion board of the topics covered. just tell me how. maybe i could run ti thru a Facebook side group? just asking. try not to make more work for me okay?

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