
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

forgetting Micheal Brown Jr.

pls excuse any typos.

in a year will we remember Micheal Brow?n.
 have alreadt forgo names of tthe black guy
 they killed in st louis and the ones in L.A.
and they black guy they jilled in NYC
for selling loose cigarettes
and the guy killed in lousiana last january
who was handcuffed with his hands behind his back
\when he committed "suicide"...
(using black magic?)

Oscar Grant was killed at Friutvale Station
  (hence the name of the film)
years ago on new years day while
face down and handcuffed,
when a transit ciop "mistook"his taser
fir his handgun and unlikely enuff
 actually lost his job
and did jail time.

usually nothing happens to the cops
just some desk duty or pauid leave.
some punishment eh?
Soul Mate's leftie comrades
are always porteststing bad shit
 in other countries and IMHO rarely the bad shitr
happening here.
common mundanr atrocotoes are so easy to slough off
down The Memroy Hole..
bitter irony
Fruitvale Stattion is what i used when i
first lived with my first wife
The Mirage,so
Oscar Grant could've been me. .
(*bleeding inside while black)

"talk is cheap and so is black life."  i say this

momento mori

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