
Thursday, July 24, 2014

a clear BLUR

"I am a stone, I go where i am kicked."
 ancient Chinese proverb

aloha 2u today
and thanx for your patience...

have have several discoverd genetic defects.
one of which is my long eyes and
something called "snowflake lattice" in
my fragil retinas.
right now i have a hole
next to a scar adhesion from prior laser surgery.
so at the centerof my focus
inside the rertina os a blur
a bubble
a watery waver
for everything i see.
see a specialist next weds who may
or may not be able to fix this
at least for awhile.

luckily G Man insisted i purchase
a DRAGON speech-to-software
program so even if the light fails for me
i can still rant on.
you have been warned
so please stay tuned.
(& excuse the typos)
until then i rely on various magnifiers...


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