
Saturday, May 3, 2014

and then also.....(humor?)

"California is a tragic country-like Palestine 
or any other  Promised Land."  Christopher Isherwood

aloha 2u today.
maybe it's all O'Bombers fault.

let me part of his Energy Revolution
our localt PG&E monoply began installing
ELECTROSMOG Toxic (and basically untested on humans)
"Smart Meters" which send out strong pulsed signals
24/7 every millisecond or so.

SM was a grunt here in the Opt Out movement
 and friend of ours, a local enviromental scold
got her hair on fire leafleeting amok
about said dangers,all well and good....
so a month or two ago she came by and overracted
to everything electric in our home sweet hovel ...

so just to be on the safe side we hired
an EMF detector/inspector.
we got relatively safe marks due to our aluminum siding
which blocks most EMF signals.
so far so good except
they advised i moved my revamped
 steampunk PC away from my bedside
and back to it's original location opposite the TV
on a far wall.
..problem,    the computer table i had
had fallen apart so i needed a new one
as well as restoring the flat workspace atop
my wonderful redwood  desk adjacent.

so i spent Easter shopping for PC desks
at local Palace Arts,Staples and Office Max
only to find the few i desired
were Out Of Stock or as usuial
i bitched about it to all and sundry.
including as ti happens
to my foot doctor who just happened to be
selling a PC desk on Craigslist for
half the price of office supply stores...
SOLD i thot.

so i offered him all the cash in my wallet but
he declined,insisting that i see it first.
that nite he sent me a picture with no dimensions
i agreed anyway.
 then he said his car was too small
to transport said item and i said okay
as we have a PT Cruiser and some nabes with pick ups,
so he finally sent the specs and i measured witn a tape and
found it do-able so he sent me his address as
14 Do Da Lane in La Selva Beach
about ten miles south of here so.....

the last few days have been 90 plus tenpwise so
SM and i spent two hours in blazing heat
(both being allergic to AC due to years of working in same)
driving around asking  nabes,workers and firemen...
WTF 14 Do Da Lane was.
now MapQuest and Google Maps have a
problem discerening the diff between
14 Do Da Lane and 14 Do Da and
14 Do Da Vista
 (all within a few woodsy twisty miles of each other)
so basically we were screwed
and went home so that SM could see her skin doctor.
(she's fine)

so yesterday i was fried and exhausted,
i'm old and fat but never have done well in extreme heat
esp TexASS
but SM visited my foot docs satellite office nearby
and was told
1. i had NOT called so he had not set out PC table
(all our communications had been via e-mail and smartphone
text with no mention of a change in format)
2.despite said e-mail his actual address was 41 Do Da Lane
so that we were chasing wild geese in high heat for nada.


so we went and got the table then did a leisurely tour
of La Selva Beach (rich but nothing special)
then came home where i spent
two plus hours unplugging
and repluggimng the mare's nest of
wired devices and then watched
some mindless TV.
so i blame O'Bomer for all this right?

that is why i have blogged and linked so seldom this week.
and you?


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