
Sunday, May 4, 2014

8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve

8 Great Philosophical Questions That We'll Never Solve

got maybe 4 of 8...

when i took LSD i saw the world in pixels,

 long before i even knew what pixels were.

so our Consensus Reality might be artificial.

is there a God? yes but not like what you might think

if our Universe grows like a human brain thern

it is our biophilic God and we are not alone.

try a tatse of Hindusism and thnik of us as

facets of the mind-form meta concept of "god"

also thion Reincarnatrion but that too has it's limits.

something vs.nothing?

i experieiced BLISS Triumphant thru out

my perception of the Universe

and that was reason enough for BEING

(also think Membrane Theory)...mega out.

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