
Thursday, April 3, 2014

stupid slut whore

"You look like you  could take a punch." 
-Amy Shumer

my crip BFF/ GOP division
"Those Who Know "
died suddenly recently. his nurse wife had surgery then he
died breaking his neck helping her....

aside from his cripness he loved porn and sent me
the raunchiest available on almost daily basis,
we talked criptitude NOT politics.
it did not take long to see
his slut shaming mindset in action
...any woman who appeared to enjoy sex was a
stupid slut whore.

this mindset seems to rule in non Nudist websites and among
MEN in general.the fact that DRUNK & DRUGGED
are legit fetishes among Men tells to a lot.
RAPEE & RAPERS seems to be the
prevailing mindset.

BTW since when did
along with HAIRY?

comic Amy Shumer on Comedy Central
ventures that Men  all got together
one day  and decided
"we want you all to look like babies
Down There"..
no mention about why wimmin
went along with it.

okay i admit that Men are,in general,
emotionally stunted cripples
fixated on big breasts
(to suckle Mommy?)
who excel in bloodlust,cruelty and violence
(see Scwarzennegger for example).

i wanted not to accept SM's defintion of
wimmin and minorities as
"background noise" and NOT sidekicks
as my Sidekick Theory posits that you
accept/tolerate The Other as a full human being...which
may be impossible as most of my white male friendships
dissolving when i showed my humaness have proved.

i am OLDE & broken
and i worked a good chunk of my Life
trying to make AmeriKKKa a better place....


BTW is it a Rite of Passage for
white wimmin to fuck black men?
may be a topic for another blog on
Sexual Racisms...we shall see.

as you were...


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