
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

no god. no heavan. no hell.

"No God.No Heaven.No Hell.
Any questions?"  Ho Chi Zen

"There is no magic,people who believe anything
 on YouTube are stupid. People make somethings that
 they don't understand and they call it a conspiracy.
There is no zero energy, it's all just another scam. 
There is no anti gravity or cars that run on water 
otherwise we'd be seeing them everywhere...
the oil companies make trillion sure but they're not all that powerful.."
-Mr.NO yesterday

aloha2u today,
yesterday i encountered "Mr.No" a rotund DILBERT
retired Lockheed engineer. i say i encountered him
along with a man with an open evolving mindset much like mine.
Mr.No is combustible and any questions sends him off
the rails into a vehement screed.

i didn't realzie how stupid and gullible
i was until i heard him pontificate (snark).

Mr.No is the type of hermetically sealed
Mainstream Science mindset that i abhor.
the type that has to ignore facts so as
not to disturb their worldview, a lot like Faux News.
his ignorance was diamond hard and stunning,
a mind sealed so tight that not even a laser could penetrate it.
while praising Lockheed's Skunkworks he decried
anything off kilter happening either there or Area 51....

read the DILBERT cartoon to see
the utter contempt he espoused about the non tech world.
i rage often about the close minded and The Bleed
but to hear him spout off  about
a bleak colorless material world was
...what's the opposite of "impressed"?

i like Science and discovery but
refuse to become a prisoner or victim of same.
he was not likeable enuff to even feel sorry for...sigh.


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