
Thursday, April 24, 2014

default hero vs background noise

"NIGGER! NIGGER! NIGGER!" -Richard Pryor routine

this blog inspired by ABC news last night.

1.when given a choice of  3 "beauty" dolls
a sample of black,white and asian little girls
mostly chose the blonde white doll as more pretty
-except for one charmer who chose
the dark skinned doll which looked like her.
three white/blonde,one tan, one dark skinned.

2 a survey of TV leads showed that 75% were white,
15% black and the rest asian or latino.
this is 2014 people.

3. the heroine of the fabulous Orphan Black said she took the role
to change the perception of "the default hero"
as being a white male presumably or
a blonde white woman like Homeland maybe?

4.Blaxpoitation movies in the 70s.
think Shaft,Blacula,Nigger Charley et al.
the studios found that black audiences
would accept and cheer a
white hero but not the reverse,
 so the "black craze" funding ended.

5. took a mental inventory of my fave TV shows
to see which ones had a non white or non blonde lead....
still processing.(damn & sigh)

6. SM demolished my Sidekick Theory
 with her observations that
to "the default hero" we're not even side kicks in
their movies, we are Brownian Motrion....
we are Background Noise
to be belittled,humiliated,
controlled, possessed,stalked,
abused,raped and lynched.
(think of  Ku Klux Klan,GOP, Tea Party et al)

we are not merely nothing but
we are the faceless nameless
Extras milling around the background to
be called in to support the plot
of the default hereo as needed
than fucked,killed,beaten,ignored
or discarded.
think James Bond for example.

why did all my friendships with
straigfht white men crash & burn?
mainly because i showed them that
i am the hero of my own movie
and not spiritual or moral support for
the ruthless amoral or poetic "hero".

The Mirage once gave advice to The Other Woman
 on how to dump married men
"let them fuck you in the ass
and you'll never hear from them again"
which is a mirror of the "down low" phenom
of male to male anal sex
which i found to be
nameless faceless anonymous
and sometimes hostile.

often anal sex is a metaphor of power
of bending soemone to your will
often painfully,my GOP porn hounds found sites
"PAINALS" for painful anal
with links to surprise gangbangs
where a woman is hired for nude modeling
or one on one sex acts then15-50 men show up.
to brutalize her in extreme close up (also see Sharking)
or the whole subgenre called CASTING
where wommin are duped into
having sex on camera with
the promise of a lucrative sex job
and the host smirks in voiceover
"but there is NO job". 
(ie. wimmin are such dumb cunts understood)

beside the whole fallacious "Reality Show" mindset
the rampant disregard and usage of another human beiong
often including demeaning anal is......
gruesome? inhuman? patriarchal?
default un-heroic?
(choose your own adjective)

 the Patriarchy has not moved from a wanton disregard of
wimmin as Other or the non white
no  powerful. HuffPost Blakc Voices
has a headline last week that many do not think that
O'Bomber is Black and not in a Donald Trump way.
he's not hanging ion a street corner slanging dope with
pants hannfging below his buttcrack he's
THE MAN as the Wall$treet bailout
and Koch Bros/Shedlon Adelson crowd
doubling and tripling their net worth
under his dusky stewardship..

i think the Tea Party is just the
above ground tip of the iceberg
expression of  racial fears
of white power The Klan and
a dying millionaire Cyrus
once told me at a nude resort
"i did everything i was told.
i had power over other people now
 my wives and children all hate me 
and wait for me to die..."

couldn't have said it better myself.

as you were?

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