
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

still tastes like chicken 2014

aloha 2u today,
much like Prof.Morarity's DYNAMICS OF AN ASTEROID
i find myself contemplating the dynamics of burnout
of which i have visited often in this life so far.
not counting divorcing The Mirage
think the worst i had it was aftewr five grueling years
of driving a cab.

when driving a cab there is no
set road map to success
as one has to rely on quick wits and intuitions.
that i did for five years then later five years with The Mirage
but i have been a crip activist for almost 20 years
 in three KALI counties and the dents
and depression are bigger.

still have SM and this blog and
my screenwritng attempts to keep
my head above water and have not yet
sustained a binge of comfort food
as i did when my cab driving days ended
so all in all guess i'm doing sorta OK.
am taking G Mans advice to binge less on
bleak news and add more humor when possible
but don't expect the slant of this blog to change all that much
I AM WHAT I YAM (that's Popeye for you young'uns).

so just checking in between 'Net news and tidbits
to let you know how i'm doing
or rather NOT doing as
 i see more docs yet again this month and next.

"I was born lost and take no pleasure in being found."
John Steinbeck
"Travels with Charley"

somewhat agree sometimes

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