
Friday, March 21, 2014

o glorious despairs

awhile back i posted a quote
"Life is a long slow slog thru enemy territory."
alas so is burnout. everything i face is both
an obstacle and insurmountable
things that gave me jopy like blogging,
creative writing and chocolate
seem like chores hardly woth the effort.
have a bar of good organic chocolate
which has lain unmolested
in a cupboard for 3-4 weeks now
which is unheard of....
but enuff about me.

one of my early blogs predicted that
those who lost their jobs during
The Great Recession
were collateral damage job wise
and our daily fishwrap and MSM
have finally stumbled over the realization
that some kids who will work for pennies to pay
off a stupendous student debt will trump
a 40 or 50 year old every time.

"discouraged workers" is the euphemism
or fedgov uses to to name
those who have dropped out of
the job market when they realize that
for most
The American Dream is
a lie, vaporware, a shuck n jive,
bull FUCKING shit.

speaking of BS comes the news that
AG Eric Holder LIED by
91% when he proclaimed how hard
the Justice Department (sic)
was targeting 2 Big2Jail
banks on mortgage fraud.......

long weary burnout sigh.
kudos to Edward Snowden.


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