
Monday, March 31, 2014

hollowed out 2014

"for the LOVE of Money is the root of all evil."
 the Christian Bible

the definition of colonialism is that country A
produces a natural resource
which is sought after by country B which
take this processes it then sells it back
 to country B at a ruthless profit.
got that?

so while channel surfing between repeated viewings
stumbled across an episode of HBO's VICE.
"American Scraps" was the segment which rocked me.
almost anywhere in these Untied Snakes
you can see the hoemelss looking for scraps to sell for cash
at a recycle center,no big it's "normal" and harmless right?....

okay now take this concept and magnigy it by
a hundred or a thousand in our Rust Belt
where our permanent underclass is surviving day to day
by gutting/looting old factories and homes for
recycle materials like brass,copper,steel,pipes etc etc-
this in itself is depressing enuff but theh
it turns out that almost 100% of these RECYCLES
are being bought by China,yes China,to be
processed and sold back to us at a ruthless profit
(see above) with the help of our larcenous douche bags
 in Congress and the White House.(see TPP
Trans Pacific Partnership-sic sick sick)

we are being hollowed out physically and spiritually?
by the scum of this country for
the benefit of a foreign power.
i believe the term is QUISLINGS
like the Nazi collaborators of WWII.
or Judas Goats if you want to

it is to weep.


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