
Friday, March 14, 2014

half nekkid wedding

"..and they saw they were naked and were ashamed." Genesis

altho a big fan of lingerie The Mirage,
when not working in those days,
she rarely wore
more than a loose fitting sack dress
so voila....almost instant nudity.
we took some rengade nude pix before
 the wedding but i was semi unaware of
her hardcore devotion to public nudity
 until our wedding day.
(how could i forget the blowjob
on a public street under a streelight
with a female coworker watching thru a telescope?
both of us stark nekkid in Oakland on a warm night.)

being nudists we wanted a DIY wedding
on a nude/clothed beach
of 6-21 the longest day of the year.

a big snag was that most of those invited flat out refused to come
if we were nude altho a minister we found had no problemo.
so we comprised and desgned then sewed Japanese flavor costumes
with authentic Japanese fabric then advertised, on DIY cards
with The Mirage's fave painting, a
nude potluck reception immediately therafter before
we fled north to see Expo '86 in Canada.

now The Mirage was generous with her sexuality from
an early age but had never done a woman
so i recruited my unstable dyke co worker
Nasty June,who was attracted to her already,
to do the deed.

so we greeted her naked and Nasty June brought along bondage gear
and i was the naked Safe Word while The Mirage lost her
bisexual cherry,as it were.
it was sorta cool until NJ had a nervous collpase over some bondage cuffs
she lent The Mirage
but we smoothed it out and  she came to our wedding
on the easy access Muir Beach in Marin County near Pt.Reyes.

(afterwards at work i would often come back from patrols
to find NJ naked in the Moscone Center control
room as she knew i and her bi coworker enjoyed the sight .
have you ever had a  job where you
could patrol or watch CCTV naked most of the nite?
it makes up for as lot of abuse.)

so there happened to be yet another
costumed wedding that day
in Roman togas so we
attended their wedding and they attended ours,
kneely in the sand taking our vows.
so two thirds of those who'd promised NOT to attend
and who promised a shitload of champagne
were No Shows  (the California Flake Factor)
so we were light on the bubbly for
 the nude reception down the beach later.
Nasty June had hooked up with yet another
unstable coworker and used our wedding cake
as lube for screwdriver penetrations
(like who brings screwdrivers to a wedding?)

so even tho it was the longest day of the year
 The Mirage refused to use sunscreen
and later got an intense  second degree sunburn
which sorta worked out as we drove to Canada
 with her half or totally naked with her feet hanging
out our truck window so that big rig drivers were
alerted to look down at her displayed pussy,
both sides were happy with this.

more? we'll see.


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