
Thursday, February 13, 2014

worst landlord EVER? `1991

"Is it progress if a cannibal uses knife and fork?"
Stanislaw Lem (great author and Godfather to The Bleed)

is is not my practice to hang out
with crackheads, except the few i met at work.
so maybe i was naive.
but on my part it was a Terrible year 1991
1.went into a diabetc coma BEFORE
i got diagnosed. PTSD from harsh Kaiser docs diabetic "advice".
3.sent The Mirage to live with another man
so i could concentrate on healing. " I don't want to be happy"
declaration from The Mirage,
so divorce started and she moved out.
5.KaliPornia had changed SRO laws to
my past years of SRO living in the 70s
was null and void and so had to move every three weeks.
6.foolishly answered an ad in West Oakland (bad idea)
where landlord/owner stated he was "remodeling" the mansion he
lived in and renting out rooms to students etc etc.
7. missed Red Flag when he stated he owned all 26 cars around his mansion
which he salvaged from junkyard then rebuilt and resold...
8.after moving my junk in informed of Security Deposit,
has asked earlier but he'd been evasive while lying about unfinished kitchen.

now in those days West Oakland was infamous for whores drugs and assorted vices.
the rattle of AK 47s on News Years Eve sounded like the Tet Offensive as
even the cops scurried under freeways for protection.

i was used to landlords and supers coming in while i was at work
to snoop around and peruse my porn.
so me and the landlord owned the same make of Toyota pick up,
not a problem thot i.

then my battery was stolen and swapped out for a dead one.
can't be the landlord thot i, me not working
does not pay the rent.
later i ran out of gas on The Bay Bridge
even tho i'd filled the tank the weekend before.
then i was sick one day and
overheard the landlord giving a Steal To Order
list of auto parts to a lower rung homeless crackhead
so i met SM and moved out but he asked for a forwarding address
for mail or whatever.
and stupidly i gave it to him
and a few months later my truck was stolen
stripped then dumped against a brick wall in Berkeley
and of course i knew whodunit.

as i was thinking of reveenge a dead body
was found in his weedy junk strewn backyard
and the Oakalnd Police were on his ass....
cold comfort.

any out there got a worst story?


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