
Thursday, February 27, 2014

NOT dead Yet 2014

" We don't want a  shirtless man on horseback leading us."
ex Pussy Rioter Nadya Tolokonikova

this has been a looong short month with 3 visits to docs
so far now i find i must do labs before yet  another doc visit
next week YIKES!

the News (sic) has been dismal as always,
no not about me otherwise,
about the XXL Pipeline did you know that Transcanada
 ( a foreign firm) could declare eminent domain
and take easements against american lands?
is this shit new? does O'Bomber's TPP secret pact do like wise
and if not why is he and his minions keeping it secret?
in horror moives it's alway the
Things Not Seen when scare you most.
thinking Carnival of Souls a subtle B Movie horror classic.

BTW why is DrOne Bomber fighting so hard to keep
troops in opium rich Afghanistan?
enough is enough!

Chuck Hagel promised to cut
one trillion U$D from the bloated Pentagon budget
which,as John Stewart points out,
still leaves it bigger than the next 13 countries Combined
sigh and cry fro NeoRome and it excesses.
(was W Nero or Caligula?
my vote is Darth Cheney as the latter.)

still burnt out and completely exhausted.
will see is there are any tidbits of interest on the 'Net.
as you were?


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