
Thursday, December 12, 2013

just chillin' dec 2013

" (There is) no right way of doing wrong." 
Kevin Mitchell, comic?

the usual hodgepodge today.

1. been on a dead run most of this month from doc to doc...
a.Obamacare passes me by as i turned 66 and am
no longer"considered disabled" by Social Security
yeah right.

the test results are in and...
my "heart function is within normal range"
with lil evidence of artery clogging or mucho damage
so guess i'll be blogging awhile longer.
(that IS good news right?)

3. watched ON THE ROAD on pay cable
and Soul Mate and she declared my analsysi of
"sidekicks" as inaccurate,as per the movie et al,
she declares the portraits of wimmin and gays and browns as
"Background Noise" to be ignored at will.
scary but most likely right...

4.what was the fourth thing? oh right
G Man has nudged me into getting the
speak 'n write Dragon software,which i
have yet to unpack for Xmas
so if this blog asuddenly turnes into
more gibberish than usual, you'll know why.
my rapidly benumbed fingers will soon make it mandatory anyways...

Happy Humbug to all concerned.

as you were?

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