
Friday, December 20, 2013

bah humbug 2014

i tried.
honestly i tried...
bought and wrapped and mailed presents to the grandchild.
bough some Xmas cookies and cards then...then...
the dreaded moment last week when we looked at our Xmas card list
at all the names crossed off due to death
usually by suicide
and like some bad movie we found out
 another friend had killed herself the day before in L.A.

on average we lose one friend a year to suicide
on bad years two or more,most
are frail elderly and/or disabled
none are dying of AIDS,
that we know of.

it is disheartening
Xmas is for children
and not suicide.
when i go hope it's a wonderful summer day
with a cool breeze and surf crashing in the background
not like the crappy one bedroom black mold
which almost did us both in 11 years ago.
i tried to be merry
but it's disheartening and sad
that people are dying while
The Rigth sqaubbles over the
weak tea profit driven Obamacare.
have a happy whatever....


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