
Sunday, December 1, 2013

1970 NYC,Elwasz,Red + A

(or how the NY Mafia came to offer me a job)

i am stubborn and despite being burned by
 GIMME communes in KALIpornia,i figured the
only way i could survive in NYC was in
 a communal "clean hippie" setting.
so i placed in ad in the then lefty
Village Voice and evetually got two replies,
two in NYC.(sigh)
one was Elwasz,a Sicilan American who had
anger issues and met his wife Red
while in a psych ward...

so Elwasz was going to attend another commune rally
in Lil Italy and invited me to come along.
i did and was the only brown face to attend
but that was cool. then Elwasz announced he
was a proud bisexual and exposed his
wife's veiny flaccid white breastss to all.
she was uncomfortable but made no move
to object or cover herself.(maybe as an Irish American
she was resigned to male boorishness?)

so like Noah's Ark the commune to be was
pairing off and most of the men announced fears about some
six foot tall wild haired amazon street theater woman.....A.

now i had been a fan of Andy Warhol's
genre esp. VIVA a profane wild haired small breasted brat
and when A entered she seemed like a milder taller
 less cynical version of her. contrary to the male
portrayal; i found her a bit shy and standoffish so
so i began grooming her as a possible GF.

also uncoupled,aside from A, there was Marilyn
 a forlorn broken chew toy of a blonde
who would later ask why neither Elwasz
or i wanted to fuck her as all the other men had.
as i said, broken and her almost homeless self esteem
she only desired a warm bed and another stiff dick in the dark.

anyway a weasley type male from Brooklyn
let's call him Ratboy had designs to be
a wanna be cultish pimp of sorts and would
end up with half the wimmin who attended.
but i got A,lost $100 invested and
 the Lil Italy arranger got
a hair cut,took a job with Daddy and
got engaged to one of the wimmin after
fucking and fucking over Marilyn.
so it went...

meanwhile i had coaxed A slowly into
appreciating me and when i later moved in
with Elwasz and Red,and he displayed her chest again,
A came to dinner and after boasting
how much she  could drink
promptly passed out.
so i took her to bed and half undressed her
and she snored all night in my arms.
the next morning when she woke up
and found she had not been raped
she fucked my brains out happily.

we would later go on to live together
at an SRO in frisco
after Elwasz,Red and i drove across country to
....wait for it, San Jose.
say what? now unknown to me
Elwasz had deserted Red for a year to
explore frisco with another woman
so out of Catholic guilt or whatever he was reluctant
to live in frisco took me
six months at a low paying job to strike out alone for frisco
which everyone in L.A. hated
and since i hated L.A.....

so a few weeks before this, after A had
gone back to Seattle and college
(after dropping out of The Sorbonne
after one semester to live sybaritic  naked for a year
in the caves of Crete).
Elwasz had told me..over his wife's bared breasts
over dinner,
that his uncle was a Don in the NY Mafia
and that they were looking for a few good men
(just like Korak the Killer who thot
i'd be a better mercenary than he)
and he'd put in a few good words about me.

now in the projects my next door nabe was
a NYPD cop named Sammy
who schooled me about the
dark underbelly of NYC
crime,which it turns out he knew
firsthand as he was later fired for being on
the take from same.
so i know the depth of the abyss into
which i had been invited...and
i did give it some serious thot...

me being a Harlem raised "clean hippie"
becoming a stone killer for The Mob
and ready to be killed in return
(like Jack Ruby).
so like the time i turned down a job
 with Pinkerton to be
a union busting industrial snitch..
i gave a polite Thanx but No.

"Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness."
Alejandro Jodoroswski  70s Zen filmamker(see El Topo)


1 comment:

  1. Damn good post! I especially liked that quote at the end... Also, love the 'A' reference. Never knew/forgot the two of you moved out to California; I thought you went it alone.
