
Friday, November 22, 2013

thanx 4

 "Ask not what you can do TO your country, 
   ask what your country can do TO you."..... Ho Chi Zen

thanx for...(NOT in order of importance just as it comes to me as usual)

-bacon lip balm,makes every thing you kiss and who you love taste like bacon.

-earthing pads (Google it) a birthday present, seems to work so far.
as a diabetic am not allowed to walk barefoot on the sand or elsewhere so...

-was unable to avoid having people in public sing Happy Birthday to You
and thankful this does not happen more often.

-am thankful for having a blog to vent and share and maybe
sometimes pry open a few minds, a meeting i went to on my birthday
refers to it as "infecting minds with new information"
of course i liked that.

-am thankful for Soul Mate putting up with my shit for these last third of my 66 years.

-am thankful that both of my sons are relatively healthy and
not wanted for any serious crimes ,yet (just kidding i hope).
i love them BOTH despite what one thinks.

-G Man thanx for being you and allowing me to be me without artifice.
your are a BFF in word and deed, love ya man.

-am thankful i live in "Paradise" which offers Beauty daily
and a plethora of great doctors.

- even after all these decades and a bad marriage to The Mirage
have never once regretted leaving NYC & TexASS
for KALIpornia,long may it reign as the land of "fruits and nuts"...

-am thankful that the Kennedy necrophilia fest will end after today, hopefully

- am thankful for each and every one of you, esp.Chriss
my first non family fan.
live long & prosper-pretty please?

mega at 66

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