
Saturday, November 16, 2013

JFK + 50 still NOT Oswald....

"When you point a finger at the moon
 then remove the finger, the moon still remains."
from a Zen classic

as i said this morning to SM while watching yet another
TV multi hour Kennedy-thon (on CSPAN this time),
i have no desire to become a common scold
or have my head explode from all the lying
or recite a laundry list of evidences generated thru out the decades but...
this is like an open wound to my psyche which
the narrow minded keep sticking their grubby fingers into.

everytime soemone declares "The Warren Commison got it right"
or "that pathetic loser Oswald acted alone"
(actual quotes from CSPAN today)
i cringe as tho salt was thrown afresh into an open wound.
i have Zero Tolerance for such and have blocked
several sites which i was fond of when they declared
 Oswald acted alone...such hidebound thinking is
usually not limited to one area or concept as i have found.

to illustrate, this is from that era
a dirt poor ignorant Klansman was asked about NIGGERS
who he defined as "low class trash who ain't got no book learning"
so the CBS reporter posed the GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER
argument about a well educated and articulate black man and what might he be.

the Klansman looked like this was some
Yankee loving  fancy pants trick question
"he's still a Nigger!" saith he.

there is some quote in the Bible relating to faith
and to those with "confidence in the system",
many of whom took the mic at CSPAN,
they like things plain and simple like a Pop Mechanics DIY
whereas The Truth,or at least many facets of same,
are more like those monochromatic jigsaw puzzles of the 60s
which have no discernible theme to make things easier.
like UFOs i was hesitant to jump into the fire
and check out real from hoax
or disinformation and
once you get pass the ype and character assassinations
what you'll find in both is apppaling
and you almost literally feel the ground
disappear from beneath your feet..
it is not for the meek nor faint of heart i....

oh wait,
think i just answered my own question.
never mind
as you were?
move along nothing to see here
"These are not the droids you're looking for".

BTW if you ever want a JFK reading list
 i kept a few books i did not give away...


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