
Monday, November 4, 2013


ARTABILIOUS (adj.) chronically gloomy or irritable
from Z Man as "the curse" of our family...that's my boy.

hola, something different today.
which of these items is NOT true about me
 (no peeking)

1. i was an FCC licensed DJ in the 70s
2. i am an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church
(marry & bury etc etc) since 1975 with a renewal last year oldest son was named after actor Micheal Douglas's.
4. my youngest was named after the character
Mason Capwell on the defunct soap Santa Barbara
5. i once dated a former actress who was 46
 (my Mother's age at the time) and gave her
her first ever orgasm.(not bragging)

6.Pinkerton once tested me to become a factory spy
and not being a sociopath i declined
7.i have encountered witches,ghosts, demons,
 psychometry and telepathy in my life.
8.i was adept at quick draw as a child in Harlem
practicing with full sized replicas of the Colt Navy revolver
9.could read,write and speak Japanese while at SF State
10. knew enough conversational French once
to get laid by a foreign tourist(it was lovely)

11.i have done almost everything my perverted
sexual imagination could desire (just add chocolate)
12. i am a better cook than any woman i have ever slept with
13.i accept reincarnation as tenable
14.i have french kissed "GOD" (sic) while on LSD
and may have met the essence of SM while doing so
15.also while on LSD i fell off a moving car
on the freeway and bounced
 into the path of an empty ambulance following
and got only a few stitches & no broken bones

16.i was told about a freaky ex whore named
Princess while in NYC and told to look her up
in KALIpornia and without half trying i did.
ditto for a cult leader named John Presmount.
17.i have lived in half a dozen communes
18.have attended several orgies with 12 or more people involved
but always stuck with The Mirage
19. like the theater of S & M but not the practice my knowldge,i have never killed anyone
21.i am not as gloomy and depressed as one might think.

ta da....#16 is only half true.

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