
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

now what?

"Life can be a bed of roses but beware of the thorns." attributed to Oscar Wilde

now then where was i?
thanx to G Man's tech savvy our "geek guy"
re-set our router to a road less traveled.
so i'm baaaaaack.

i do take some cold comfort that
there are those out there online
with a more gloomy outlook on Life than mine
then i watch the news.

i have been ranting several years now about how
the Untied Snakes have become Neo-Rome
so leave it to the GOP to top me
and my most dire predictions.
can you believe this shit?

in other news, yesterday on
Your Call (a frisco call-in show)
they were bemoaning the fate of cab drivers,
which i was from 75-80 and warped as such,
in the face of smartphone ride-sharing APPS
which Gov.Turkey Jerky Brown legalized last week.
it was...nostalgic in so much as DARPA and Google
with their driverless tech will render both cabbies
and truckers obsolete possibly within my lifetime.
think the original Total Recall had a scene with a robot cabbie

here in Paradise the weather
has gone from mid 90s to mid 60s
within a span of a few days.
WOW am typing this in a sweatshirt and winter kilt
with the heat on.

am enjoying Al Jazeera America more and more
but CNN has boots on the ground when it comes to mass shootings.
speraking of which
did i mention that we went to war with two Arab countries
over 3,000+ dead on 9-11 but
Wayne LaPierre and John Boner
have no problerm with 30,000 dead
from gun violence per annum.
go figure. (?) predicted dire consequences of
Climate Change if we ever passed that benchmark number
well, don't look now but the world broke 400
earlier this year. hang on kiddies
cuz it's gonna be  one bumpy ride.
and we now have Tsunami Zone warning signs here
in Paradise.

i collect blogging cartoons,
most of them derogaatory and
Senator Lindsay Graham has said that
blogger deserve no First Amendment protections as
we are not "news", a concept codified by Sen.DiFi
in her latest soul crushing legislation.
so black site here i come?

the cartoonist WILEY has
some of the best blog toons
likening us to soapbox preachers or screechers
and THE END IS NEAR doomsayers
but my fave is a panhandler with a
sign and a man in a suit chiding "Get a blog!"
but as you know, unlike others,
i do not solicit donations to keep me going
i rely on my creative juices for that.

well, have finshed my Japanese beer so
that is as good a reason as any to stop here.
will probably be posting more often now,
sorry G Man...both hands on the keyboard

semper gumby

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