
Friday, September 27, 2013

TV fall 2013


what i'm watching...

Ray Donovan/Masters of Sex

Sleepy Hollow
The Blacklist

Agents of SHIELD
Person of Interest

The Bridge

Micheal J. Fox Show (first 2 epsiodes rocked sorta)

Haven? (could be better)/Contiunum
Strike Back


Ted Cruz is a dishonest Joe McCarthty wannabe demagogue
and like a spoiled brat he and the GOP wanna shut down fedgov
and spike Obamacare before it limps out of the starting gate.

and will the ever spineless DIMs let them? time will tell.

i have days off but recently it has felt like a relentless
full throttle full time sprint from doctor to doctor
from to test to test with a dollop of food shopping thrown in for variety.
so thuis i apolgize for not doing apersonal blog more often
but as i noted before the nearby Starbucks is drowning my WiFi connection
and the local library new WiFi has swamped what remains of the signal
and per G Man called our "geek guy" but they are swamped
hooking up
new students at Cabrillo College and UC-SC
so i'm waiting for them to get settled in before i call again
as my e-mails have also gone unanwsered and yes,
they are worth waiitng for as we have been burned
by geeks repeatedly in the past here.

one now defunct site of fraudsters actually kept SM"s
computer a full year when they couldn't repair it
and kept handing us off to the next liar
so they fianlly charged us the price of a new computer,which they gave us but
they sabotaged one of it's two fans so that it would break down again.

so i hope to blog more frequently soon
andno G Man i have not yet run out of things to say nor stories to tell,
i have LOTS more plus future links to my creative writing adventures.

so that's it for me today before i lose my link again.

"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges."
Alphonso Bedoya as Gold Hat


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