
Friday, September 20, 2013

OCCUPY gun violence

this one is short and sweet? from a recent Maureen Dowd column

"There is something evil in our society that we as Americans 
have to work and try to eradicate," she said her voice stoic 
but laced with emotion.....
"There's something wrong here when we have these 
multiple shootings, multiple injuries.There is something wrong.,
and the only thing I have to say is we have to work 
together to get rid of it. I would like you to
put my trauma center out of business.
I really would.I would like not to be an 
expert on gunshots.
Calling it "a challenge to all of us" she concluded 
"This is not America."

quoting Dr.Janis Orlovski GSW expert after
the D.C. Navy Yard shootings...

as you know i tend to disagree with this assessment
this truly IS America in all it's
so called faded Glory.

as you were?

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