
Saturday, August 31, 2013


"An eye for and eye soon leaves the whole world blind." -attributed to Gandhi

aloha 2u today,

all the MSM news media (sic)
are thumping the drumbeat of war again.
each cruise missile costs $!.@ million
each missile...yet our schools are failing.
our cites bankrupt and crumbling
our  fast food workes and teachers
severely underpaid and as we
back slowly out of Iraqistan...

now they want to bomb Syria.
why? because they used chemical
weapons to kill people
but drones are okay?
we supplied chemical weapons to Saddam to
kill Iranians and Kurds
but that was okay?

we uses White Phosphurus
on the civilans and combantants of
Fallujah alike and
that was okay?
Ruwanda,the Congo, Darfur,
the we bomb every dictator
or tyrant who kills his own.

why exactly is this any of our
fucking business?
Syria has no oiol that i know of
and they are not flying planes into skyscrapers
or hiding Osama Bin Laden
so WTF?

as i was seraching the yard futilely for
today's papers another thot hit me
"American Exceptionalism" and sadism in
 heavily exported US Action Movies
i began to boycott many Schwarzenegger
and Seagal action films when
Overkill for Drama crossed the blurry lines
in Straight Up Sadism, it was
more than the wisecracks and bad was
the glory in torture for it's own sake.
The Dark Lord -Sith Cheney
has commnted that he knew that
torture works because he saw it work on "24"

even before 9-11 i became aware
of increasing gore and torture,
gratuitous torture run rampant
in many US action films.
so if we as AmeriKKKans
glorify those individuals
who resort to sadism and vigilante actions,
often without personal consequence,
then it is not a large leap to bombing
 in and around Viet Nam or
Libya or Syria.....

"collateral damage" here is not bit players
covered with stage blood who
shower then go home
but we are inured by these films
to accept these hyper-violent
often irrational acts of sadism as

it is to weep
people who kill people
do not stop when you kill more people.
is that so complicated?
apparently it is.

"Q. Mr. Gandhi,what do you think of Western Civilization?
  A. I think it would be a very good idea."

as u were?

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