
Friday, August 23, 2013

Chelsea Manning & RAPE

"Hmmm, now that Bradley Manning is a Chelsea,
 does she only get 75% of his sentence?" -Ho Chi Zen

aloha 2u today,
it is no secret i am a news junkie,
a data sponge if you will,
Koral the openly  gay radio talks show host
made an infamous IMHO
statement the other day that PFC Manning
as a woman in a male prison would be in hog heaven
or words to that respect.

DOONSEBURY is re re-running a series
from a few years back about MST
the Army speak  acronym  for Rape
and Sexual Assault, sadly is
is still current and fresh.

the front page of the SF Chronicle
today,has a story
about reported sexual assaults
dropping thru the cracks at UC
the creme de la creme of
KALIpornia education
 (at least it was once).

i am reminded of the many many
 Prison Rape jokes
"don't drop the soap"
which are a staple among hack comics.
 i am reminded of the graphic and
violent rape scenes of
the TV show OZ..

*******  *****
okay where was i?
lost my 'net connection then had to go
to my new/old heart doc.
 i seem to be okay
so far.
let me check my scribbled notes...

"ugly wimmin don't get raped"
and other myths.
90% of most civilian rapes,
male and female,
do NOT get reported
this number has been stable
thru the last few decades.

in the late 80-90s there
was a serial rapist afoot L.A.
whose "trademark" was
biting the left nipple off his victims
(whether he swallowed it or
kept it was not in the article as i recall)
and tho he was convicted of 8-9 rapes
he freely confessed to 40+ more...

1 in 3 wimmin can "expect" to get raped
 in their lifetime (same as cancer?),
 in my experience this
is higher in the mentally ill & vulnerable.

my own childhood rape went unreported
 for almost 40 years and never to cops,
at 8, i was ashamed and afraid my Mother
would punish me like she usually did
when i screwed up.(i screwed up a lot).

i had a point to make here and i lost it
let me go back and see if i can find
the thread of thot, hold on...

nope, it's gone,
something to do with
Fear of Female Empowerment
the Beauty Myth Industry
high heels and Chinese foot binding
this all hung together when i began
 this over 3 1/2 hours ago.

anyway, you get my drift.
and to G Man and the rest
yes,i am indeed aware and fear that
i might turn into the
blog version of the late crotchety
ANDY ROONEY on 60 Minutes
...OMG i hope not but-

when this world is less fucked up
 i will cease bitching....
well maybe not "cease" exactly

and yes i have promised years back
to post more positive links
and i have found a few and
some random acts of kindness/beauty.
will grit my teeth and try
to post them more often.

i am not by nature an optimist tho
i do love beauty or
at least my defintions of same, this
is why ART is so subjective and why
i usually detest abstract painting.

i am rambling so
i will stop now as
my Dr.Pepper sugar high is kicking in.

as u were?

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