
Sunday, July 21, 2013

leaving MENDO county

"Writing is easy. All you have to do 
is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." 
Ernest Hemingway

speaking of bleeding, the front page to the SF Chronicle
today has an article on rural poor health and
shortened  life spans in rural Mendocino County ,
(north on 101 of frisco the first stop lights
you hit are in Willits until they build a bypass
and finsh killing the town like they did
 in the much larger-by Mendo standards-
 Ukiah and their Walmart).

where we spent five  weird years before returning to
civilization(sic) here in "Paradise" (double sic).
we lived inland above Willits on highway 101
atop a montain and not on the cooler hipper
more expensive but no less racist coast
along highway 1.

i have two good memories of Mendo;
both equally valid
1. i met my BFF G -MAN there.
2.we lived in a handcrafted redwood house
that was fucking gorgeous.
2b. the scenery there is FANTASITC
despite rampant redwood forests despoilations.

now the bad & ugly...

 there was an organic food store in Willits
amongst all the cheap motels,fast food joints
and truck stops
and more than once i witnessed employees at the food store,
the organic food store, standing atop
the fresh produce in their filthy street shoes...
so we had to drive a half hour south to Ukiah,
where they didn't and the food was even fresher.

 speaking of Ukiah, there were three ways
of getting there from Willits.
a. the direct route south about 30 minutes
b. the long indirect route thru Ft.Bragg then
a narrow country road south then east thru the
remaining redwoods and forests.
about 2 hours give or take. obscure dirt/gravel road which was SUV
 friendly as it crossed the sometimes shallow
 Eel River three times. so no smaller vehicles
 could cross this even when shallow.
maybe 45-60 minutes tops.

so of cousre some dim bulb put a small reservoir
above 101 so that it would flood at irregular intervals so
one had to choose between b. and c. to get anywhere
south of Willits.
now Mendo, in those days was where
-women went to escape their male abusers
and adopt hippie pagan names and live in
topless all female commune in the backwoods and whatever.
-people grew the finest pot in Kali and
 outside of Hawaii maybe the best domestic grass then
(to bad i am not a pot smoker i guess,
 which is why most people thot we moved there)
-people cooked meth once the logging industry
and REMCO collapsed and moved out.

so people valued their privacy,  racism and
hicktitude highly.

so when 101 flooded once or twice,
while we were there,
residents along route c. took to
killing stray cats and nailing them to their
mailboxes to discourage visitors...

 drunks with guns were everywhere and
 often fired new guns into the air to test them,
 in residential neighborhoods and when
you called the local Sheriff, as there were no local cops,
you got a wry comment of
"You must be new here."
 before they hung up.

we lived in  the Brooktrails
subdivision a former logging camp,
above the tiny smoggy town of Willits,
up Sherwood Road
a snakelike artery prone to
dumb deer and dumb human accidents.

there were two stores there in the so called village center
(after the meth fueled swinger hot sheet
motel there closed down),
one a tiny liquor store and the other a golf shop
for the golf course located nearby.
the week we left two teens killed
the liquor store owner and wounded her assistant
in order to steel her Jeep en route to a Columbine style
massacre shooting
at their high school in Willits.
(where fag bashing was still
a typical jock sport)
they crashed the Jeep after a quarter mile or so
since neither of these morons could srive a stick shift
down a busy winding  Sherwood Road,
(in even busier frisco i taught myself
to when i owned my first car.....
took about ten minutes.

even tho the main logging industry and sawmills are gone
tree killing still persists in remote regions of Mendo and northwards
so the heavy logging trucks still came barreling down 101
and down the wriggly beautiful tree lined road to Ft.Bragg
but nobody warns you that if the often
meth addled logging truckers think
you ain't hauling ass fast enuff
they will gently bump your
tiny,by comparison, vehicles off the
narrow carved out mountain roads
skywards into oblivion.
we saw more than one such wreck in our travels....

unlike Sonoma or Napa
wine growing and tourism are not a staple of the
local Mendo economy so almost everybody
has a sideline or front for something else.

-redwood burl, fragrant long dried winter
firewood from state lands
and mushrooms for the foodies in frisco.

WHORING is also big.
altho nobody seemed to notice when we mentioned it.
SoulMate's first massage in Willits was at a dairy farm
turned whore house, both involved nipples i guess.
the then massage whore soon moved to
the Mitchell Bros. sex show in frisco
while her then hubby started  perverse
 puppet show in Sacto.

.the tiny Willits hospital (sic it;s answer
 to everything was Viagra or caffeine)
was located next  door to the REMCO
 Trident submarines chrome missiles housings plant
the only one in the entire USA some said?,
(which apparently built it to deflects
many of it's workers valid health issues and complaints)
which also illegally dumped highly toxic chromium
byproducts in and around Willits and
remote country roads for decades,
as they never bothered to get needed
fedgov required permits to ship
the wastes down 101 to the Santa Rosa outskirts.

so the Willits victims sued in fedgov courts
(we were their allies and got to meet
who looks nothing like the anemic
cackling Julia Roberts)
and Erin told us that Willits was one of the three most
toxic places in KALI...(Lew Dunn who worked
with/under Erin at one time was also instrumental
in finding  the resources to press the fedgov suit,
Dunn was also dying of toxic exposure
 he encountered elsewhere in KALI
where an entire beach was bulldozed
and replaced).

so naturally the Clean Up Experts
got the lions share of the money
settlement and the victims got
chump chain despite
some of them having babies born
without eyes,brains and/or spines...
even the seemingly healthy adults and children had
chronic health conditions which
the local  REMCO built hospital shrugged off
forcing long dangerous and exhausiting drives
 to Santa Rosa and Ft.Bragg.

deer,we found,are dumber than dogs and
are always congregating in the road or
 the heat footprint of your driveway in winter.
or 17 eyar old Jepe had a dented bumper from
a slow deer ( in rut) crossing Sherwood Road
one day,i was driving.
first month we were threre a semi was wrecked
north of Willits on 101 when it collided with a
500 pound black bear crossing the highway
and then another bear mauled our nabes trash twenty feet
from our garage  and front door where our trash
sat untouched.


have wriiten before how i made the locol back doctors happy
as i caused whiplash and locking car doors
every time i left the house despite hobbling along
in knee braces and a cane.

to me Mendo in those days was mired in the 50s,
despite Wavy gravy having a children's camp
north on 101 around Leytonville,
and i should add I HATE the 50s!
having lived thru them once then again in Mendo.

SM reminds me that every summer ,
aside from the biker runs and rallys,
where urban blacks when come up and impregnated
willing country girls then leave
(despite whatever they had promised them otherwise)
i feel this did not fully account for the deep seated racism that i
have not encountered since the TexASS and
other parts of The Deep South since the 50s-60s.
allegedly Okies and Arkies flooded into Mendo
during The Great Depression when they were found
to be unwanted elsewhere in KALI.

speaking of the 50s and Great Depression
Mendo is awash in disparate Indian Reservations
of non allied tribes and a visit to the Leytionville res,
which is in an annual  low lying flood plain,
was like steeping back in time,
like a res i visited in the 70s
near Anton Chico New Mexico
only the elites (the casino managers)
had running water and elctricity
not to mention phone service.
and Rose Aguilar of YOURCALL.ORG
radio is from Ukiah where as late as the 1950s
you could buy stolen indian children as slaves outside
 most churches many sunday mornings..WWJD indeed?
we were told that most of frisco after the Great Quake
and the many fires before that was rebuilt using
Mendo redwoods and so many fortunes were built.


another source of Mendo whipalsh was my name
Cahrles Stone also the name
of the host of so called
"Klan Radio" out of Ft.Bragg
and historically the name of the pedophile
 co founder of Kelseyville,aslo in Mendo,
which lead to hisdemise at the hands of hard to enrage Indians
which in turn leads to the MENDOCINO COUNTY WARS
wheruin enraged white militasmasscre hundreds
of res Indian who have never even heard of Kelseyville.

BTW many reservations in Mendo
were set up by Trail of Tears death marches
 from other parts of the US
to a plce where the First Peoples (sic)
 had no ancestral heritages or knowledge.

there is probably more but my butt is tired
and i have yet to eat breakfast.

G Man a rebuttal?

as you were?
aloha 2u today

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