
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

50 shades of beige

aloha2u today,
have benn trying to ween myself off Current TV in case
the Al Jazeera takeover is a bust
and KRXA Am radio where i get Randi Rhodes
and Koral and Ed Schultz.
are both due to cease operation in mid August here...

so i have CNN in the background or foreground as i chat with SM
or peruse the local fishwrap,
even the CNN newshens had to chuckle as they report that
50 SHADES OF GREY is the most requested book trilogy at Gitmo,
oh really? now seriously????
which followed yesterdays cringeworthy story of naked handcuffed 911 calls...

sigh, have CNN have you no shame?
of course not MSM whores (no offense to
non crackhead real whores who
despite what people think have some things
they will NOT do, trust me on this)

in the 60s THE STORY OF O
by "Pauline Regae" (sic sp?) came out and
like the banned books of DeSade suddenly out in papaerback
i devoured it.( do sample De Sade's Justine a sly take off on Voltaire's
Candide which i also read along with Machiavelli's The Prince.
ah back when a Public Education actually meant just that. )

a minor controversy before  the dull film came out,
was whether a man or woman had written it and
how much of it was accurate and truthful...
well as i mentioned before The Mirage fell into the
BDSM scene and i took the chance to re-read "O"
which has become a bondage,staple.

so as far as i know and experienced "O" is accurate albeit
less seedy & needy than what i found here in KALIpornia
where the "thousands served"at McBrothel were welcomed
with Motel 6 "ambiance" and used hotel furniture and carpets.

so from the infamous and 50s All American Betty Page
in bondage to this apprently vapid poorly written
anemic GREY all this Puritan related
fetish crap is nothing new and those
who indulge in BDSM vs. old fashioned "vanilla sex"
have lil to feel smug and condescending about IMHO,
maybe it's a coping mechanism like
those who love scat or electrified butt plugs or
kiddie porn or whatever.---ye olde US vs.Them
anyway that's my two cents on this crapola.

"The difference between sex and death is,
with death you can do alone and nobody will be laughing at you."
Woody Allen,famous comic-director and pedophile


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