
Friday, June 21, 2013

folie a duex....


greeting to all,
am still trying to post via webcam before
 i reach 100K pageviews...
unfortunately Soul Mate has come down
with Acute Bronchitis (hope she will recover)
and trying to keep her safely out ot the ER
eats up a lot of time.

but that's not waht i am blogging about today
nor is the Heritage Foundation (sic)
concept which first became RomneyCare
before becoming, unchanged, ObamaCare.
which  might i mention from personal and
anecdotal experience here
is looking more and more like reaching
 into a bag full of angry snakes,
rattlers and cobras mostly.

no wait, that actually relates to the topic today.
"folie a duex" (see above) is a Psych term
for a closed feedback loop between two people
or two crazies (not a Psych term)
think Bonnie & Clyde, Hamlet & Ophelia,
Nixon & Kissinger, Clinton & Monica,
W & Cheney, me & The Mirage etc etc.

the MSM is finally getting the message
or at least Stephanie Miller/Randi Rhodes/
Rachel Maddow/John Fugelsang/Daily Show
anyway that....
as the GOP/T POTTY moves further to
the Far Out Right like Michelle Bachmann,
Louis Gomert,Steve King,Ted Cruz and
many many other astroturf Koch Bros/ALEC
dittohead fueled endeavors and crusades
against anything pre 1812

the spineless DIMS -who  appear to
have adopted the Rope A Dope strategy
of Mohammed Ali (sp?),
think Harry Reid, and these allegedly
"centrist" Dims now follow along
Rightwards with them
leaving the Left/Progressives/Unions
feeling abused and abandoned...
think O'Bomber.!

like a Prom Date from Hell
or that guy who got hit over the head,
robbed,stripped naked and abandoned
 by the side of the road.

as we lament & evaporate the Middle Class
and the duopoly Dims/T POTTY
freeze out any relevant  powerful
populist third or fourth party
we can see the U$A becoming
a humbled staggering
easily exploited Third World Country
much like Mother Russia...

listen closely, that sound you hear is
Chinese shipping crates  bound for Walmart
bringing us everything we need to survive,
inclduing key ingredients to fuel
 The Game of Drones for
O'Bomber, who knew?

what exactly do we produce here?
beyond corrupt "leaders", an inept moribund
glacial Congress,a faux Dim Reaganesque
1/2 blackface O'Bomber,
 The Crazy and crappy reality TV?

we produce produce (not a typo)
weapons, good Pot,a few cars still,
oversized  2 MILLION + prison population
of mostly blax & browns,
 more serial killers per capita,
a bogus Nixon Legacy War on Drugs,
thousands of toxic unregulated chemicals
which we encounter in everyday life,
fracking & water wasting, declining aquafers,
a declining output of real newspapers
and real MSM new
( i do not give a bloody fuck about
 some ex SEAL's sex change or
a tiny  kitten lost in a car engine for 1000 miles,
both stories i saw this week on CNN
 and the local snooze)
the ideas for Chinese made electronics,
toxic Monsanto GMO foods,
NSA spy gear and oppression
which seeps slow & deadly into our everyday lives,
poverty "food scarcity" (think HUNGER)
cuts in food stamps and a shredded social safety net,
desperation and exhaustion,bogus recurrent
housing bubbles  and foreclosures,
casino crony Capitalism, massive student loans debt,
think of the frogs in a slowly boiling U$A pot
 who  look around like muted sheeple
in search of the lost TV remote...
and a long defunct War on Poverty
which the 1% won easily...

did i leave anything out?
i am an old sick man BUT i love my country
and i weep when i see what is being done to it.
i love this country,warts and all, and i know
 it's true history not just the shiny glossy
 "2 minute  Hate ' (1984 reference)
Mad Av focus group Propaganda bullshit.

i am lucky,as SM keeps reminding me,
to grow up at a time and place where a
decent NYC public education, an innate curiosity
and the New York Public Library system
could mostly preoare you for
 a dull routine worker bee drone
existence but not teach you how to Love
or not treat wimmin like chattel/cattle.

i am lucky( sic)  to live among the ruins of
American Empire and watch my children
face a dull grey life of addictive social media
and no real hopes or low wage
(soon to be automated) no skills jobs.

i am lucky i am not in Gitmo YET.

i am sick n tired of being sick n tired
can't sleep
everything on me is either broken
or fucking hurts constantly
and now the Love of My Life
is sicker than before.
fuck this shit
i am ready to die.

or blog as the sun rises on another
Perfect Day in Paradise,
if you can find parking,
at least i still have Love my writings
Asian foods & Chocolate
and heavily buttered garlic sourdough toast
for breakfast, fuck diabetes.

long weary exhausted fucked over sigh...
BTW am re-wrting a screenplay that
my steampunk PC ate when i deFragged it,
"when blue rats dance"
the happy ending is when they nuke
most of Oakland.

HAND  :(
Have A Nice Day..if u can.

a more pissed of than usual

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