
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Windfall Movie

Windfall Movie

what a sucker, like most of us i had assumed O'Bomber'
but according to a link from Soul Mate
this is NOT true.....i should have figured this out
when O'Bomber included NUCLEAR ENERGY
& REACTORS under his Clean Energy program
(they poured millions into his campaign,check it out.).

excerpt from mssg to Soul Mate follows
from <"wran@ >

Wind turbines cause health problems from the low frequency infrasound, the overall sound, the light flicker (and these turbines are on the west side of town, between the sun and residents), and the dirty power they generate. People have abandoned their homes because of them.

Turbines maim and kill birds and bats. Turbines catch fire, very difficult to be put out due to the height. Turbines collapse and blades fly off, landing wherever (see letter from Australian Senator Chris Beck below). These enormous, very heavy pieces of equipment, have detachable, very heavy parts. Turbines decrease property values or make homes impossible to sell.

The winery corridor will also be impacted.

Wind turbines require power to function. They only provide variable energy, and do not provide baseload, dependable electrical power; they are not reducing dependence on fossil fuels nor reduce greenhouse gases. They cause grid problems because of the intermittent power.

, wind turbine developers get lucrative state and federal subsidies and tax benefits.

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