
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Visionaries | Occupy Love

Visionaries | Occupy Love

BTW just saw the 2012 horror film
THE APPARITION  which indirectly refers to
 things older than demons or angels..
unlike most sentimental horror films
there are no priests
no crucifixes
and ultimately no hope.
low budget and no gore but
i liked it.
a tasty morsel...please excuse
 the lapses in logic therein.

while i am on this topic
imagine humans as a 144 channel radio and
we only normally pick up a dozen of so stations,
the sci fi term is "mind blind" a la Robert Silverberg i think.
so demonic entities,ghosts or whatever
relate to these "invisible channels".
perhaps the Hyperspace of Star Trek is
merely one of many adjacent dimensions,
so inhabitants of which may use,misuse,hate
or envy us.

during the movie last nite
had this thot
"The opposite of LOVE is NOT Hate
the opposite of Love is FEAR."
attributed to Gandhi,Ho Chi Zen
among many many others...

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