
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Something Melted Rock And Changed Earth On A Massive Scale - "Losers" And Even "Winners" Hadn't Much Choice -

Something Melted Rock And Changed Earth On A Massive Scale - "Losers" And Even "Winners" Hadn't Much Choice -

the Younger Dryas,always liked that term.

evidence points to most human settlements  in North America
( Clovis and pre Clovis) also extinguished at that time.
except for Native Americans in the Southwest
apperntly whowere saved,according to legend,
by The Ant People? and the Snake People?
have a mild theory the  latter were advanced
theropod ( thnk Jurassic Park velocoraptors)
bipedal dinosaur descendants.
(the Nagas of India maybe?)
but why would they help/save humans?
time travelers or ?

much like the Klingons in latest Trek ask
"Why should I care about humans killing humans?"

or perhaps it was a manufactured scalar event?
SCALAR THEORY has so much math it makes my head hurt
if anyone out there can expalin ti in simple terms
please feel free to contact me....

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