
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Proxy & Big Trouble

me and Soul Mate took a long postponed mini vacation
two hours away from Paradise, advertised as MSM free
which it, being who i am am i read two books

PROXY by Jason  Mallory  c.2012
BIG TROUBLE by Pulitzer prize winning humorist Dave Barry c.1999

PROXY is a shallow superficial one dimensional mess.with
almost random terrorists violence from both sides,
got the feeling the writer was watching an endless loop
of Will Smith's I,ROBOT as he wrote this.he should
have read the Asimov book first..there is a wasted pinch of
The Manchurian Candidate too, tho the ghost of it;s author
Richard Condon should sue...(you really should peruse
both Asimov and Condon for beautifully crafted writing).

the pity about Proxy is that it tackles a problme looming
on the horizon, a heartbreaking world changing topic does Society define work when efficient automation
has made humans obsolete? how do we redefine education and add value?
how do humans define themselves without a 8 to 5 timeclock
dread mill? and a missed musing on whether robots have rights too?
instead we get a shallow polemic against business/government in general,
corporate greed and robotics.five minutes after reading it
what little remains is a weak tea routine bombing murder
of a US Senator and a pathetic swipe at the foreclosure crisis.
the resulting homeless got one paragraph.
my imprerssion of the writer is that here is
a clueless politically powerless white male
with hyperviolent fantasies of revolution and
"justice", i really think he should masturbate
to war porn instead...

on the other hand
BIG TROUBLE by Dave Barry, his first work of fiction,
was a page turning delight. SM got it for $1 at a local garage sale
and it was money quite well spent.from the dustjacket
"Big Trouble is outrageously warped,cheerfully depraved 
and harrowing close to true life in Florida."
1. you can see from this why SM got this for me.
2. you will find this The Perfect Summer Read
240+ pages in bright sun and no media is advised.

next blog, back to our irregularly scheduled bitching..

"Writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness."
George Simpson


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