
Sunday, May 5, 2013

jobs & nipples 5-13

"Every man is crucified upon a cross of himself." -Whittaker Chambers

two splendid pieces of writing from the front page
of SF Chronicle today ( sinday55 may 13)


by Andrews S.Ross

two chunks of goodness therein
about part time and "discouraged workers"

"None of them is counted,but if you added
the 2.3 million "discouraged" and "marginally attached"
to the 11.7 million officially unemployed, you'd
ahve an umemployment rate closer to 9 percent-
not the 7.5 percent reported Friday.Add in the reluctant
part timers (7.2 million) and the rate jumps to
13.9 percent."

BTW took a college course once
"How to lie with statistics"
maybe fedgov wrote it?

back to Chron
"Then there's also the "shadow economy",
 also known as the "grey economy"
or "underground economy".The
off the books sector, not just the drug trade and
other illegal activities,is estimated to be as high as
$2 trillion,one seventh of the
$15 trillion US gross domestic product."
the writers also goes on to lament
the fear that this is "the new normal"
in the US economy with oceans of talent and
resources wasted or wasting away
while perhaps China and India gloat
during their global ascendance...
will skip the usual reference to
crumbling infrastructure New Rome
this once,oopsy.

fascinating piece,check it out.

to the right of that are two related pieces under
by Peter Hartlaub & Mick LaSalle

which basically lambasts the MPAA ratings board
for secret and subjective profit based ratings.
it mentions the horror of showing fermale
nipples as corrupting influences
 (were they all NOT breast fed?)
versus wholesale slaughter and mayhem in
the DIE HARD franchise or the latest
Marvel superhero franchise.
so like ghetto youth ,kids are taught
Life  is cheap, sex is NASTY
and the bling gets you the gurls.
 see any recent rap video for
confirmation of this

and don't get me started on the recent spate
of death porn easily available on the
same free sites as normal porn.

a recent article online
told about how Iron Man 3
had to make changes to become one of the 32
western films allowed in China each year,
it made a point of charging their anonymous
secret film board as being whimsical and
often irrational in it's decisions.
the MPAA is also anoynmous
secretive and allows one
FUCK per PG-13 rating...
same difference?

whatever, so O Bomber is not
just ruining lives in foreign lands
while being "plutocracy's poodle"
at home.

i'm just saying...
as you were?

aloha 2u today

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