
Friday, May 3, 2013

breast supporting actress

1.responding to Comments
a.yes, i have already added all avaiable & free
plug ins to make this blog mobile friendly.
b. the RSS connect hassle has been with me since day one.
blame Google okay?
c. yes i do print Guest Blogs when presented.i
print them unedited with or without a snarky commentary.
that okay with you?my e mail address
is on the masthead somewhere...

BTW i have been told that less than 20
films each year have female leads,
other than RomComs and weepies
that leaves very lil room for female heroics.
Milla J and the Resident Evil
franchise and the Kill Bill duet
and how many others?

female nudity is all the norm,
not that i'm complaining but
surely wimmin are fit for something more than
Eye Candy (iCandy?)....most men would like to think
their wimmin had their life on PAUSE
before their swinging dick entered...
see my previous blog on THE SIDEKICK THEORY
and how i have lost several white BFFs when
they found i had a range of emotions,
a backstory and knowledge
before them.

i am the star and co star with SM
of my own life/movie and
until emotionally challenged men
recognize and accept this
i think the world will stay a
much degraded polluted
shit sandwich.
we can do better, can't we????

"The first thing we do,let's kill all the lawyers." 

Old Rome also fell under the weight of lawyers,
male lawyers...


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