
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

bengahzi, the IRS & the AP

"Laws are like sausages.It's better not to see them being made." 
Otto von Bismarck WW I German general

aloha 2u today,
just a quickie today.

bengahzi is just a blunt and repetitive weapon against Hilary in 2016
14 people died in West,Texas and where is the outrage?
the Bush Crime Family had killed hundreds of thousands
 and where is the outrage ?
O Bomber drone strikes...

the IRS and the Tea Party tax emxemptions
radio talker RHANDI RHODES pointed out one was denied the exemption.
2.the IRS illegally changed the wording of the exemption back in the 5os

The Espionage Act of 1917
has been used by O Bomber henchmen
to thwart the First Amendment and
make a mockery of O Bomber's callous campaign promise
of "transparency in government" (sic).
become a whistleblower at your own risk
just ask Bradley Manning or Julian Assange
or any of the other lesser known victims...

the AP  scandal is just the next logical and
ruthless step in this process.


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