
Wednesday, April 10, 2013


"No good deed shall ever go unpunished." French axiom

am still digesting a LIGHTR BULB GOES ON
idea i ran into with a link to Consppirazzi
yesterday. the myth of the Titan Prometheus
(see Wikipedia for context) who stole
"fire"(knowledge) from the Gods
to give to mankind then faced an eternity or torture.

the article equated Prometheus with LUCIFER
Latin for "the light bringer"..WTF?
in Islam there is a cult relgion,
the Ismaeli???,referred to as
"devil worshipers" by the devout
what if they're right?

in a Gnostic context let's examine this.
Archons are non human inteeligences
who like to be feared/worshiped
as Gods..let's wring the Bible & Book of Enoch
for evidence of same..Lucifer challenged "God"
as lead a revolt of "angels" against "God"
and lost then was expelled to Earth.
 Lucifer and a third of all angels
or 600 of 1800 in The Host/heaven?

i have long had suspicions
that YWH (Yaweh/Jehovah)
who"walked in the Garden"
was not the same God who
created the multiverse in all it's expressions.

plus there is the problem of Cain
who was given a mark which
protected him...from whom?
and Cain found a wife in The Land of Nod
east of "Nod" is archaic Hebrew
for "stranger"..children of a lesser god???
or just another "God"...Baal?
(Apis of the Egyptians?) and the level of
slaughter and genocide in the Old Testament
is just appalling,check it out.

what if we as a populace have been hoodwinked
into the wholesale worship of a false
possibly EVIL God? would this expalin the
wholesale cruelty of most major religions?
the Inquistion,Crusades,Holy Wars,
witchcraft trials,devil worship.
is this the kernel of The Secret
in secret societies?

just a thot.


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