
Thursday, April 25, 2013

LOVE hurts (film)....

"You get what you think about most of the time." Napoleon Hill

hola again today,
i may have mentioned that i am NOT a big fan of
sappy romantic comedies (RomComs)
so i had two pleasant surprises during
 a sick day of watching cable.

most likely you have never heard of Zoe Kazan
who both wrote and co stars in the delightful
RUBY SPARKS..if you have ever heard of
Tibetan "tulpas"-thought forms made real
then you have the premise of RUBY,
only without the Tibetan mysticism aspect.

this is a love poem of the solitary writer and falling in love
with your creations, which has less of the gritty reality of
BLUE VALENTINE but the same emotional honesty.

speaking of honesty A DANGEROUS METHOD
chronicles the real life interaction of Jung and Freud
and a neurasthenic twitchy female patient cum colleague.
not a big fan of Freud even tho i have a BA is Abnormal Pysch,
too long to go into now,
but i felt these two movies were a perfct bookend
about LOVE and it's failings.
ADM with it's slow leisurely pace
is not what one expects
from horror genius director
David Cronenberg.

you will find the relevance of the
 top quote in both these films.

BTW as a fan of Milla J. with Netflix
 found it hard to believe i'd missed the latest installment
with it's climatic kung fu finale and
the White House ablaze,deeply satisfying
on a shallow but primal level. 

"Winter is coming..." Game of Thrones


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