
Thursday, April 25, 2013

homele$$ yet?

"Life is a slow march thru enemy territory." Fiorella Harris

am stable at the moment thank you.
yesterday was terrible but a good massage
 and dining out helped some.

a matter of context
i worked for the Moscone Center for nine years in frisco
part of the job was, each day at dawn, to act as
a human leaf blower of the homeless.
mind you this was during the 90s Dot Com bubble
when frisco was flush.

why was this part of the job?
at one site the Ma Bell workers
didn't like looking out their tinted  windows and seeing
the homeless fucking,lounging about,sleep late or whatever.
at the other site,across from City Hall, the mayor
and his minions didn't want to SEE any homeless peeps as they
walked or drove to work.
if we couldn't move them then the cops were called.

now the purpose (sic) of a leaf blower
is to blow dead leaves or trash from one location to another
then the wind blows and the work is undone,
you get the analogy.

i have watched with bemusement and wry sadness
as frisco, bezerkeley and then s'cruz
have made it illegal to sit,lie,stand or beg
anywhere on Public Property and thereby annoy
 or harass the locals and tourists.
Tom Ammaniano, the frsico state rep,
has proposed a Homeless Bill of Rights
which would negate local efforts
and end the war on the poor.he points out
 that most peeps in KALIpornia
are 2-3 paychecks away from being out on the street.
he will get severe pushback from
the usual business interests....

around Xmas during the so called
Season of Sharing we are treated to
endless heartwrenching tales of despair,drug addiction,
lost hopes and how tough it is to make here.
then the New Years rolls around and
they become invisible again.

here in s'cruz the pot was roiled last year
when a mentally ill homelss man from frisco,
a large black man, stabbed to death a white woman
business owner in broad daylight-downtown-
for no apparent reason.and so the crackdowns began
no begging or sleeping on the beach at nite,
proposed cutbacks to homeless help,shelters and soup kitchens
and the usual Punish The Poor playlist.
is this The Best 

on Facebook this week it was proposed,in jest i hope,
that the homeless and seniors would get better care
 in prison than lousy nursing homes.....
as a crip activist i can attest this to be true.
almost universal complaints from friends
who have been in nursing homes
for rehab and what have you..

the news report a 236 billion U$D
joint task force fighter jet
is now being Old Rome
we waste our treasure and soldiers on grandiose
and wasteful spending whilst here at home,
in the weeds, our fragile world crumbles around us.

anybody recall THE PEACE DIVIDEND
after the first Gulf War under Bush 41?
yeah right
that idea lasted less than a year.
the inmates are running the asylum
off the cliff...


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