
Thursday, April 18, 2013

a dark skinned man....

apologies for not posting more often but
my heart problems appear to be worsening,
recently give a script for nitro
to keep me alive after a heart attack
just long enuff for paramedics to arrive...

but that's not what i wanted to write about today.
it gave me shivers when CNN reported
a vidcap of "a dark skinned man"
or when FAUX News reported that a badly burn Saudi
student was the Prime Suspect, both
reports were wrong. also apparently
some twit on Twitter advocated
finding and lynching all Saudis...

does not one even recall the number of
turbanned Sikhs and Pakistanis
killed or maimed after 9-11?
are they now THE NEW NIGGERS
to be launched at every slight or whim?
every time a car backfires do we lynch a Muslim?
burn a mosque or stack of Korans?

i may be old and frail now but
this is not the America i pledged allegiance to
my classrooms.

i'm just saying...

"But who guards the guardians?" Juvenal


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