
Thursday, March 28, 2013

the HOST

read with wry amusement this ayem the movie review
of a new film called The Host, NO not about Catholic priest sex abuse,
the premise is that parasitic space aliens arrive on war torn Earth
to colonize our bodies and make us more peace loving.
see to recall a phrase like "a benign invasion" being tossed about.

a benign invasion to make us more humane and better people
and the film is based on fighting this,one part of a trilogy by
Stephanie Meyer the creator of the infamous Twilight series.
apparently the director has massaged the content to make it less sappy.
so why would write such a book?

might i add that those of us with a Progressive
bent oftimes feel this is the challenge we face.
there was a newstory on PBS last night that looked
at the lack of low income students in the better colleges.
are you just a dope slinging druggie or stripper pole bait
if you are raised the the ghetto or barrio?
no, i am living proof of this,i think.
The System is not designed to find pearls before swine
and many potentially great intellects are lost among the shuffle.
this is an Empire in decline...

when i was in high school i was told were taking the SATS,
which i had never heard from via any teacher or counselors.
i was told "it's just stuff you learned in biggie."
no biggie? yeah right.
so i was gobsmacked to find the focus of English
was on Shakespeare's DRAMAS
whereas i in Harlem had been taught only his COMEDIES
like boys in da hood don't know drama?
it's The System as tho no real humans were involved..

BTW have posted less of late as almost every single
doc me and SM see somehow got scheduled for this week.
next week should be less hectic...

2014 and SCOTUS is finally getting around,albeit
reluctantly to Marriage Equality?
Scalia this already.

"He has all the virtues I dislike and 
none of the vices I admire."
Winston Churchill


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